Monthly Newsletters
The greatest is LOVE
There are certain things that make each month of the year special. For instance, January reminds us of a chance to start afresh; February is referred to as the month of love. Therefore, we shall explore “the greatest is love” this month.
Hallelujah, Happy New Year!! We made it!!! All glory to God. A heartfelt welcome to myFather’s House, and welcome to January – the first month of 2020 - our year themed “In His Presence”. For January, we will examine “Reset your year”.
Roadmap to Greatness: Vision 2020. Part II
MFH continues with her “Roadmap to Greatness - Vision 2020” and the focus this season is “sharpen your vision”. I hope you will ponder on the following questions: What is your life vision? What is your spiritual vision?
Roadmap to Greatness: Vision 2020. Part I
Choice greetings beloved brothers and sisters and welcome to myFather’s House (MFH) this beautiful Sunday. I also welcome you to the month of November. It’s been an awesome journey so far, and with a few more weeks, 2019 would be gone paving way for 2020! Our theme for the remaining part of the year is “Roadmap to Greatness-Vision 2020.”
A Mindset of Gratitude
Our theme for the month is Gratitude. Gratitude is more than simply saying “thank you,” it is a great weapon of warfare. It’s amazing powers have the ability to shift our perspective from focusing on the negatives to appreciating the positive things in our lives.
Back to School
Wow! It’s September! The beginning of the school year is here again! Although the term “Back to school” incites a range of reactions from teenagers and adults alike, we must not lose focus of the true importance of this month. A fresh start. A chance to rewrite old errors and forge new paths that lead to academic, spiritual, emotional, and financial success.
Let us arise and build!
It’s a new month! “Yesterday is gone, today is now! The just shall live by faith, arise and build!” With this quote, we welcome you to August - our month of capacity building. In Nehemiah 2, Nehemiah purposed to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem that were broken down and fallen, which has made the people of God to live without defense, and in despair.
It's Half Time
Hello July! Waoh! It’s officially Summer. With Joy and peace, we welcome you to the second half of 2019. Our theme for July is “It’s half time!” In Proverbs 6:6, the Word of God admonishes us to learn from the ants (Take a lesson from the ants…..Learn from their ways and become wise!) Therefore our teachings this July will be based on lessons from sportsmen and what they do at the game's half time. This will help us to prepare for a stronger and better second half of 2019.
The Journey of Life
Felicitations! You made it to March! It’s time for a new season.
So many things happen at different stages in life, and every man is constantly moving from one thing to the other. Our theme for this month is “The journey of life”.
Love is ...
Behold! What marvelous love the Father has extended to us! Just look at it—we’re called children of God! (1 John 3:1a). With these beautiful and refreshing words, we welcome you to the second month of 2019 – February.
A new beginning
Wow! You made it to the new year! Glory to God. A heartfelt welcome to myFather’s House, and welcome to January – the first month of 2019 – a year of glory ahead. Our January theme is “A new beginning”.
He Reigns!
It is with delight and great joy that I welcome you to December, the last month of the year 2018, which is also our month of preparation for the arrival of The King of kings. Are you ready for His coming?