Monthly Newsletters
Colors of Love!
Throughout the month of February, we will be discussing “Everything Relationship” - Crushing, Dating, Marriage, Divorce, Relationship Stability, Relationship Challenges, Single & Searching, Healthy Relationships, Distance Relationships, Growing together in love, etc.
Happy new year folks. Congratulations, you made it! I give glory to God, our Help in ages past, and the hope of the years ahead of us - Amen. God has spoken concerning the year 2023 that He will do great and mighty things for us and there shall be rejoicing throughout the year. Thus, our theme for the year is ‘Voices of Jubilations’.
Joy to the world
Wow, It’s December! Congratulations, you made it to the 12th month of the year. The month of December is a month of reflection, particularly looking back at our journey through the year. It is a month of anticipation, when we look forward to the coming new year. It is also a month of celebration - Christmas and the end of the calendar year. It is a time of joy and jubilation. Hence our theme - Joy to the world.
It’s November! Happy new month family. I welcome you all to the eleventh month of the year. Our theme for the month is God of all seasons. Nathaniel Bassey in his song ‘Wonderful Wonder’ wrote “Summer, Winter, Autumn and Spring … Jesus is the Maker of them all. In Genesis 8:22, God declared, …cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night shall never cease. Also, Ecclesisates 3:1 reads, there is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens. All of these point to the fact that seasons and times are controlled by the Almighty God. And as long as you belong to Him, your times and seasons are in His hands (Psalm 31:14-16). Just as William Freeman Lloyd (1824) wrote, ‘My times are in Thy hand, my God I wish them there’, leave them there.
Acts of Worship
I graciously welcome you to October - the tenth month of the year. 2022 is gradually drawing to a close! All glory to our God. Our theme for the month is “Acts of Worship”.
A warm welcome to September, the ninth month of the year! Our theme is “pathway to success”. It is that time of the year again when learners and instructors go back to the classroom to learn and unlearn with uttermost desires to succeed.
Divine Direction
Hello August! I joyfully welcome you to the eighth month of the year. Our theme for the month is “Divine Direction”. Divine direction means God is leading you in all your ways, and you act according to the directives. We need God’s direction and guidance because the journey of life is far, and as human beings, we are limited in knowledge. Deut. 29:29 states “The secret things belong unto the Lord our God… Pro 3:5-6 says …And He will direct thy paths.
Happy Canada Day! May God continually keep our land glorious and free. I welcome you to the seventh month of the year and the beginning of the second half, July. Seven is a number of perfection, may God perfect all that concerns you this month (Psa. 138:8).
Cheers to the sixth month of the year! It’s half time when we need to build capacity for growth. You are welcome to June.
Colors of Change
I graciously welcome you to May - the fifth month of the year. Our theme for the month is “Colors of change”. The phrase “April showers bring May flowers” is a popular saying that signifies the change of the season. We fully transition from the gloomy winter to the colors of spring. This month we will be examining the colors of change in line with the season change.
The Cross: Grace and Favour
With God’s grace and favor, I welcome you to the month of April. April the month of Easter - when we remember the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ, His Cross, His resurrection and His victory over sin, sorrow and death. It is also MFH’s birth month! Therefore, it’s a double celebration for us, and our theme is “The Cross: Grace and Favor”.
Divine Help
Welcome to the third month of the year. This will be your March to Remember for good in Jesus name! This month, we shall dig deep into “Divine Help”. This theme is an assurance for someone who dares to receive!