Joy to the World

The last month of the year 2020 is finally here! Christmas in the air! New year approaching. Oh! welcome December! I congratulate you and the entire MFH family. I also join the angelic host of heaven to bring you “good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people” (Luke 2:10-11). Hallelujah! 

Joy is that inner energy defined as a very glad feeling or a feeling of great pleasure.

Year 2020’s turmoil of COVID-19 ravaged our world and brought hardship, confusion, disappointment, depression, pain, sorrow, and even death to a lot of people, and only God can and will cause healing and turn things around for us. He will heal our land and cause the sun to shine over us again. There are people who are searching for some gladness to lighten up their lives after being in so much sadness and sorrows, but are looking at all the wrong places or things. Some, particularly the younger generation feel that they can find joy in drugs, partying/clubbing, gambling, sex, alcohol etc; these things don’t give any joy to you, they only add more sorrows and drama to an already battered and wounded life. A pocket full of money, a big house, a nice car, a well-paid job, or having lots of fortune and fame are very nice and good, and makes us happy, but won’t bring real joy either. That’s why there are people who have everything, but yet they find themselves depressed or commit suicide. Furthermore, some feel that they can find some joy in companionship, but sometimes your friend or companion can let you down and disappoint you, and leave you shattered and standing all alone by yourself.

So, how can I find real joy, you ask? To find joy, you must understand the difference between joy and happiness. While happiness is dependent upon external things and possessions, joy is not dependent upon circumstances or things, but rather joy is dependent upon Jesus Christ, because Jesus Christ is the source of real joy.

The joy of the Lord is your strength.

- Nehemiah 8:10

If you need strength just to make it from day to day, you need the joy of the Lord, and the joy of the Lord is found in Jesus Christ. Dear brothers and sisters, there is joy in knowing Jesus Christ and having Him as your Lord and Savior. 

There are so many reasons why Jesus Christ is the only source of everlasting joy. The first Advent- His birth heralded joy. In Luke2:10-11, when the angel announced to the shepherds about the birth of Jesus Christ, they said to the shepherds:

Fear not; for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people. For unto you are born this day in the city of David, a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.

It is amazing that over two thousand years after, the remembrance of His birth still brings joy and peace to every heart and the entire human race. 

According to Acts 10:38, when Jesus Christ walked this planet earth as human, He brought joy into the lives of people.

How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power; who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil, for God was with Him.

His good deeds brought joy to all, including restoration of sight to the blind, healing to the deaf man, making the lame to walk, casting demons out of people.

You know what? Jesus is still bringing joy into the lives of people today. He still heals the sick, sets the captives free, delivers people from the power of Satan, and Jesus still performs miracles.

Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.”

- Psalm 30:5

If you are looking for some joy in your life, you need to look to Jesus Christ. And Jesus does not discriminate when He gives joy, for His joy is for all people. He gives freely. In the series, we shall consider: Joy Overflow, My Sources of Joy, Contagious Joy, Joy to the World, Arsenal of Joy and Joy Comes in the Morning

Peace & Joy to you this season and always. Jesus Christ is the reason for the season.

Pst Wole & Nike Oyetoran.


On Eagle’s wings


God of all seasons