A new beginning

In the game of life, after half time comes the energy and the revival for a new beginning! With these words, I welcome you to August - the eight month of the year. Our theme for the month is “A New Beginning”. 

In the history of the Bible, number eight symbolizes a new beginning, resurrection and regeneration. It is a number of renewed hope, new horizons and bright future. Since eight comes after seven - the number of completeness which signifies an end to something, it implies therefore that eight is associated with the beginning of a new era. For instance, God created heaven and earth by His Word in six days, on the seventh day He rested, and the eighth day was a new beginning (Gen 2:2–3). Also, eight persons were saved from the Flood in Noah's Ark in order to have a new beginning for mankind (Gen 7:13; Gen 8:28; 1 Pet 3:20). I am therefore certain that this month is a new beginning for you in all areas of your life.

There are times in all of our lives when we need a new beginning with God. Maybe you have failed the Lord terribly through deliberate rebellion and sin. Perhaps you have drifted away carelessly into the world and its ways, neglecting the things of God. A disappointment or trial may have caused you to drift from the close fellowship with God and His people that you once enjoyed. You need a new beginning and if you get this right, it will tranceed to all other areas of your life. 

The thought of a new beginning is scary, because you don’t want to risk another failure. However you should not be content with where you’re at now. Our God is a God of new beginnings! And He graciously offers you a new beginning! But, where do you start? New beginnings with God are possible no matter how spiritually low we have gone. And it must start with focus on the cross of Jesus Christ and obedience to His Word … (Rev.21:4-5, Isa 43:18-19). Once you begin afresh, God will accelerate you! Concerning the remaining part of the year 2020, the Lord is saying,

“The latter glory of this house will be greater than the former” (Hag. 2:9).
— (Hag. 2:9).


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It's Half Time