myFather's House

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God of all seasons

Gradually, year 2020 is rounding up! Therefore, with pomp and joy, I welcome you to the eleventh month of the year - November. Our theme for the month is “God of all seasons”. According to Ecclesiastes 3:1,

to everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven”

God is for all seasons, and He knows how to make all things beautiful in His own time. Solomon concludes his writing of Ecclesiastes that God is sovereign and in control, regardless of the uncertainties around.

As we move towards the end of the year, we may find ourselves at conflict, particularly at the various seasons we’ve been through this year. And I do not believe there was a moment when God was absent from the physical, emotional, and spiritual crisis we’ve endured. In fact, I found Him everywhere in my life this year. I noticed His face among the doctors and nurses who skillfully cared for people. I caught sight of Him in shining power among MFH church families. He is the ever present God in time of trouble. I wish every human soul could see the face of God even in the fear and turmoil they go through. 

To everything, there is a season. There is a time to plant and a time to harvest, and God purposely sets the boundaries of the seasons. God has built certain rhythms into this world, and the steady repetition of the seasons provides comfort and a workable pattern to life. For instance - the seasons of nature, in the Summer, we see the flowers blooming and the fruit ripening. This may signify that things are really going well with you. The Autumn season follows, when the leaves begin to wither and fall off - like pruning time. A tree that is never pruned always produces small fruit. But a tree that is pruned will bleed and look miserable, but when spring comes, it will heal and produce large and sweet fruit. There are seasons for pruning. You prune a plant just before winter. You cannot prune a plant during summer. To humans, this phase of life is like a roller coaster which does not make sense to anyone. Immediately after the Autumn comes the Winter season. Tree comes close to dying, there are no more leaves. Everything seems depressing - stormy situations which are very hard to see the end, and you wish could pass away quickly, prevails. Do you know that after all these comes the Spring - leaves sprout out again. The plant begins to flower, and things begin to break out, take shape, and new opportunities begin to spring up. Everything you plant in Springtime blossoms. Even in the showers, flowers are blooming.

Everything has its appointed time from God. He is Sovereign, but He is always faithful. He takes us through seasons as part of our life journey. And through all the seasons, through all the undulating circumstances of the passing years, God remains both loving and powerful. He will be there with and for you always. God is there all the way just like the sun shines through all the seasons. You cannot pray away a season. You cannot run ahead of God’s Season. Delay does not mean defeat. Wait for God’s appointed time. Do not allow past circumstances to destroy a future opportunity. He is the God of all and for all seasons.

Wole & Nike Oyetoran