Raise the banner higher

“We will sing joyously over your victory, And in the name of our God we will set up our banners. May the Lord fulfill all your petitions.” - Psalm 20:5.

Welcome to March, MFH Family! Our theme for this month is “Raise the banner higher” and this is a call to celebrate victory. 

We are confident that we are victorious because we know without a doubt that the victory has already been won by Jesus Christ (Amen). Victory over sin (He judged sin at the Cross - Colossians 2:14, 1 Peter 2:24);  victory over death (He conquered the grave - 1 Corinthians 15:55-58); victory over the enemy (He rendered them powerless over us - Colossians 2:15, Luke 1:74). We are Victorious! Therefore, raise the banner higher! 

Why is it important to raise the banner? To answer that question, let us first understand what the banner signifies.

The concept is multi faceted:

  • Banner as Jesus Christ -  Isaiah 11:10; Exodus 17:15

  • Banner as a Standard - Isaiah 62:10; Exodus 17:15

  • Banner as a sign pointing people to God/ the right direction - if lifted higher, many will see and be directed to the right path - Isaiah 13:2; Isaiah 11:12; Exodus 17:15

  • His Banner as a symbol: of Victory - Exodus 17:8-16,  of Truth - Psalm 60:4, of Love - Song of Solomon 2:4

Whichever angle we are viewing this, banners are to be raised up! Therefore, as we forge ahead and take on life’s various battles, raise the banner higher, because the war is already won. You are fighting from a position of victory. This month, we will sing joyously over your victory. In the series, we shall explore raising the banner of praise, purity, victory and faith; and dare to be different.


In Christ Alone


How to Love