myFather's House

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It's Half Time

It’s July! And so the second half of 2020 begins! I welcome you to July with joy and peace. Our theme for the month is “It’s half time!” Let’s view life as a game, where the Holy Spirit is our heavenly coach and God our Father is watching over us.

At halftime, the coach gives a talk to the team depending on the direction of the game. When the team is losing, the talk is usually a “don't give up speech & strategy”. The enemy of your soul has been trying to defeat you since you were born. He’s trying to stop your potentials from being released. You need to re-strategize to deal with the enemy. Listen to the coach of life, and get a new plan to win the game of life. The message to a winning team is - “don’t relent or keep on winning & strategy”. Friends, if you have your foot on the neck of the devil already, keep it there. Don’t let the devil get up – he’s under your feet - keep him there!

The Word of God is our daily manna that gives us strength. In Exodus 16:16-21, the children of Israel were told to gather it daily. Hearing God’s Word only on Sundays is like eating once a week. Therefore, take the Word of God with you daily this second half - therein lies your victory! 

The first half of 2020 has not been the easiest due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But, the second half is here for you to re-emerge! May God give you a second chance. May your life be revived. May the work of God at MFH be revived according to Habakkuk 3:2b (O LORD, revive thy work in the midst of the years). May the strength of the Father be yours!

Happy Canada Day!

Pst Wole & Nike Oyetoran.