“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace…” (LK 2:14) 

“You will keep in perfect peace, him whose mind is steadfast…” (Isa 26:3)

I welcome you to the festive month - December! Congratulations, you made it to the last month of 2023. December is a month of many things to us, including reflection, particularly looking back at our journey through the year. It is a month of anticipation, when we look forward to the coming new year. It is also a month of celebration - Christmas, and the end of a calendar year celebrations on my mind. It is a time of joy and jubilation. However, the current happenings in our day call for reflections, prayers and actions. Hence our December theme - myFather’s House speaks prophetically - Peace to our world.

In a time when the whole earth is in a state of distress: with nations rising against nations; economies heating up; financial crises everywhere; money failing and increasing cost of living; endless troubles across families, societies, and nations, Christ presents to us a solution - a much needed and unique kind of peace. Philippians 4:7 calls it the peace that transcends human understanding, peace that is able to keep our hearts and minds. In other words, this peace that Christ gives, the peace of God, keeps us sane, stopping us from being anxious regardless of the times that we live in.

Therefore, as we celebrate the birth and first coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, we are reminded of the heavenly announcement that heralded His arrival, the declaration of peace upon the earth. Isaiah 9:6 referred to Him as the Prince of Peace, and He Himself said that the peace He gives is not the type that the world gives, neither is it gotten as the world seemingly achieves its kind of peace (John 14:27). We must understand that peace is not an absence of war or conflict, neither is it the disappearance of instability and troubles. Peace is the quiet assurance, the stability, stillness, and rest of mind, the calmness and tranquillity of the soul that is beyond prevailing circumstances, and based on a firm conviction. 

Two painters were asked to depict their understanding of the word “PEACE”. One of them drew a serene, quiet, calm environment, no disturbance whatsoever. The second artist, on the other hand, drew a standing tree right in the middle of a raging sea. On this tree was a nest with a bird in it fast asleep. Which of these two do you think is a better picture of peace?

It is important for us to realise that we are in the last days. And one of the many signs of the last days is the increased level of global unrest across all spheres of human endeavours. It therefore becomes imperative to seek out peace that is not dependent on any external factor, a peace that is not influenced by the happenings in the world, a peace that has its source from someone or somewhere beyond human capacity and influence. Isaiah 26:3 states that God is able to keep us in perfect peace, as we trust in Him. Jeremiah 17:7-8 states that God is able to help us stay calm and peaceful in harsh situations. And Christmas also reminds us that we, and the world in general, already have the answer of peace within our reach (Luke 2:14). The coming of Jesus addresses this fundamental need of man. 

As the year comes to a close, and as we look forward to the start of another year, it is wisdom to arm ourselves with the peace of God as we step into the unknown waters of the coming year. There will be uncertainties and trials along the way, but having the peace of God will keep our hearts strong and unafraid, our minds sane, our faith firm, and our hope alive. 

Do not let this Christmas just be one of eating and feasting and exchanging gifts only, great as these things are. Much more than ever before, find peace with God. Make sure that you have a functional, personal and growing relationship with the Giver of Peace. Apostle Peter taught us that peace grows with knowledge (2 Peter 1;2). The more you know about God and what He can do, the more at peace you become in the face of life’s challenges. It is written that those who do know their God shall be unmoved and unafraid in spite of the uncertainties of the times; they shall be strong, their hearts fearing nothing (Daniel 11:32b).

It is my prayer that the reality of the peace of Christ, the promised peace that was announced at His birth, becomes your experience as you seek Him. It is my prayer that our world will embrace His love and peace, and look unto Him for help. 

In the series, we shall explore perfect peace, follow peace with all men, the Prince of peace, peace to our world. Do not miss any of these. Merry Christmas and peace to you and yours!




God of all seasons (Ecc 3:1-8)