Joy to the world
Wow, It’s December! Congratulations, you made it to the 12th month of the year. The month of December is a month of reflection, particularly looking back at our journey through the year. It is a month of anticipation, when we look forward to the coming new year. It is also a month of celebration - Christmas and the end of the calendar year. It is a time of joy and jubilation. Hence our theme - Joy to the world.
The song “Joy to the world, the Lord is come…” was written by Issac Watts in the 1700s. The intention was not for Christmas Carol, but as a hymn of praise for the Saviour Who was born and will one day rule over all creations. Watts’ desire was to lead us to rejoice in all that Jesus was, and is, and will be. However, over the years the hymn became a staple Christmas Carol, as it declares the coming of the KING. The song also reminds us of the Shepherd’s rejoicing in our Scripture - Luke 2:8–20.
There are many reasons to rejoice as Watts wrote:
Jesus is King. “Let earth RECEIVE her King” and “Let every HEART prepare Him ROOM”. Therefore, you and your household should rejoice this Christmas, and PREPARE Him room in your hearts as you RECEIVE him as KING.
Jesus is Savior. “Let men their songs, employ”. He has saved us. Jesus paid for our sins!. He reversed the destruction caused by sin. He reversed sin’s power over us. He also reversed sin’s curse on the earth.
Jesus is Redeemer. “Nor thorns infest the ground; He comes to make His blessings flow Far as the curse is found”. He had redeemed us from the power of sin as well. He fixes what was broken by sin. When we are redeemed, we become different people. John 1:12 - But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God. Romans 10:9 - because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
Now, speaking of Christmas. (‘Not Xmas’! Christ is the REASON for the season; taking out CHRIST from Christmas is wrong in every way). Have you noticed how everywhere brightens up as Christmas approaches? Believers in Christ and non-believers all eagerly anticipate Christmas. This is prophetic: as the angel told shepherds, “I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people…” In other words, joy to the entire world! Not to just some select few, but to the world. You can see why everyone gets excited. The coming of Jesus is a source of great joy to the world. The difference is in how many have chosen to identify with this Cause and Source of joy. …let earth receive her king. Let every heart prepare Him room…”
Christmas is therefore a time to spread the joy of Christ, and remind the world of the joy that is freely available to all. The focus is not on the new clothes, decor, food and festivities, gifts, the snow or other happenings around the world, but on the joy we have in Christ. We have a friend who came to understand what it is to be human, so that He can empathise with us. We are joyous because we know beyond any shadow of doubt that we are loved by God. The birth of Jesus reminds us that greatness can come from a manger, that one can rise above the limitations on his/her path, and against all odds.
It is my prayer that the essence of Christmas will not be lost on us. As we celebrate His first coming, may we keep on being ready for His second. I pray that we all have a Christmas miracle this season. Merry Christmas in advance!
“Joy to the world”. “Joy to MFH Family”. “Joy to my family”. “Joy to me”.