Back to School
A warm welcome to myFather’s House. Wow! It’s September! The beginning of the school year is here again! Although the term “Back to school” incites a range of reactions from teenagers and adults alike, we must not lose focus of the true importance of this month. A fresh start. A chance to rewrite old errors and forge new paths that lead to academic, spiritual, emotional, and financial success.
Whether you are sending your excited child off to kindergarten, dragging your teen out of bed and onto the bus, or simply watching your young adult mature into an actual adult in college, we are all making progress. The reality of life is that alongside the bursts of activities that come with the academic year are insecurities about fitting in and being liked. Not to mention the various anxiety-inducing pressures we face from our family, friends, and even ourselves.
How do we live well and serve Jesus in spirit and in truth? How do we take back control of our thoughts when we get bombarded with falsehoods in the classroom and among our peer groups? How do we remain focused on achieving academic excellence in spite of daily distractions? The answer is found in Proverbs 1:8-9 “My child, pay attention to the instructions of your parents and your teachers”.
Josiah, one of the most important kings of Judah, was crowned at the age of eight. Though very young, he was able to do what a series of sinful kings could not. “He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord and walk worthy of his calling...(2 Kings 22:2). He achieved great success.
Be sure to follow us at MFH this month as we explore the power of focus, strategies for school success, and finding encouragement in this chaotic world!
Pst Wole & Nike Oyetoran