“And He that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And He said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.” (Revelations 21:5)

“Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.” (Isaiah 43:19)

Congratulations mFH family!

The month of July was a testament to God's faithfulness: we held our first water baptism of the year, accepted new members into the workforce, inaugurated the Youth Church, and launched the second service. Indeed, God has been faithful to us. July was also a month of healing and restoration for our families. It is my prayer that God will perfect all that concerns every family; may we all continue to dwell together in harmony, united in heart in Jesus’ name. Glory to God!

Welcome to the month of August! The eighth month of the year.

So what is the Holy Spirit saying to us this month? Our God is a God of many chances, a God of new seasons and new beginnings. It is evident that the wind of God is blowing strongly, and God is set to make sure that no one misses out on this move. The number 8 usually represents a new beginning. It is often linked to a brighter future, new horizons, and a new life in general. In the historic Christian Church, the number 8 also represents Jesus’ resurrection. Moreover, after perfection comes a new beginning. Therefore, the theme for the month of August is A NEW BEGINNING. 

A new beginning to you could either be a second chance, or a fresh start to another phase. Job 14:7-9 tells us that there is hope for a tree if it is cut down. That at the scent of water, it will sprout again. Note the Scripture says “at the scent of water”. Thus, just by sensing the presence of water, hope is restored, and the life which was dormant in the stump is revived (Isaiah 6:13b). This scent of water is symbolic of the mercy of God; we all get second chances because God is merciful. Redemption perfectly exemplifies getting a new beginning. 2 Corinth 5:17 tells us that anyone who comes to Christ gets a new beginning; a saved individual walks in the newness of life (Romans 6:4). It is my prayer that wherever you need a second chance, a new beginning, the mercy of God will prevail, and this time around, you will not fail.

A new beginning can also be likened to the growth stages of a butterfly. For most of its development, it is a caterpillar, a bug-like organism with nothing admirable about it. However, when it emerges from its cocoon, it has morphed into a butterfly, an insect with radiant colours, looking nothing like its past. I believe that God is launching us into new spaces and phases, elevating us to heights that look nothing like where we are coming from (Job 8:7).

In Exodus 12:1-2, as the Lord was bringing the children of Israel out of Egypt, He said to Moses, “This month shall be to you the beginning of months; it shall be the first month of the year for you.” It was a prophetic season, a new season of liberty and freedom for Israel, and God declared their new year had begun. It did not matter what time of the year it was; for the children of Israel, a new dawn had arrived. We know that what God says to one, He says to all (Mark 13:37a) . If He has called this month a month of a new beginning, then get ready. August may be the eighth month by the natural order of dates, but for you, this shall be the beginning of months, a month to be much remembered for good.

We must note that new beginnings come with new sets of demands and responsibilities. Whether it is moving from being a couple to being parents, starting a new school, class, or session, embarking on a new beginning in ministry, experiencing a new beginning of glory and anointing, or starting anew at work or in your walk with God, the demands of a new phase will always be higher than the previous phase. God is elevating myFather’s House; there is a higher calling upon us, a new beginning of influence and impact that God is giving to us, and it requires that we stay connected to Him for the strength and wisdom to navigate these uncharted paths (Isaiah 42:16; Ecclesiastes 10:10b). Remember, God knows the end from the beginning; He is the Beginning and the End, and so it would be wise to follow His leading if we want to fulfil the demands of the new phase (Psalm 32:8).

Congratulations on your new beginning! It shall be to us the beginning of greater things in Jesus’ name. Happy new beginning! It’s a new dawn for us all.

In this month of a new beginning, we shall be considering “Connecting with God” series - including understanding His purpose and love, discovering God's plan and destiny, building a personal relationship with Him and trusting in His sovereignty and guidance. This month shall be to us the beginning of greater things in Jesus’ name. It’s a new dawn for us all.



