In times like these

(1Chronicles 12:23 - 38; 2 Timothy 3:1-17)

I joyfully welcome you to the eighth month of the year - August. All glory to God, Who has been generously kind to us. Our theme for August is “In times like these”. Apostle Paul warns that towards the last days, perilous (dangerous) times shall come (2 Tim 3:1). Today, it appears that evil is deeper and of greater intensity, and sad enough, it is being accepted and promoted by society in a daring way. What then should the attitude of a child of God be this season? Preparation!  

Part of the reason why people fail is lack of adequate preparation. But one can only prepare for what he or she is aware of. There is therefore the need for us to understand the times we are in, so we may know how to respond to it. If you don't seek to know and understand the will of God for you this season, you are so unfortunate indeed!

Ruth Caye Jones’s song “In times like these, we need the Saviour,... we need an Anchor…” is more appropriate now than it has ever been. Whatever is happening in our present days is a call to revival/wake up, for we are waiting for the arrival of our Lord Jesus Christ. You cannot afford to be careless and lose your inheritance.  Hebrews 6:19 declares that “We have an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast.”

In times like these, you need Jesus Christ, and you must be careful of your company. Fire plus fire will always produce fire, and fire plus water will result in extinguished fire. When Mary was pregnant, she went to the hill country and visited Elizabeth. Maybe if she had gone somewhere else, she would have been advised to terminate the pregnancy, saying that - it has never happened before, or she must be ready for Joseph.

In Nehemiah’s time, he turned every challenges he faced to prayer

Therefore in times like these, we must be prepared, we must be fervent, we must be our brother's keeper, we must enthrone the Lord Jesus as the king in our lives, and in the nations. There is going to be a massive revival, despite all that is happening, may you not be left out.

In 1 Chronicles 12:32, while some tribes came with soldiers that are sharp and battle ready, the sons of Issachar understand time and season. They understood what the people should be doing at the time, and were able to instruct them  - that was their contribution. What is your contribution to God’s kingdom at times like these? Maybe you are in MFH for a time like this. In these last days the believers' priorities must be: to know Christ, to defend Christ’s truth (Scripture), and to minister in Christ’s name.

In the series, we shall explore in times like these we need the Saviour, we choose to praise Him, we choose to live in dominion, we choose to stay afloat, we choose to stay in the Word, watch and pray, we choose to be the persons needed for times like these.


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